Privacy Policy

Legal Notice - Data Protection Act - SEE-NERGY.

SEE-NERGY, SL ensures that all data collected through any web form will be used in the manner and with the limitations and rights granted by 15/1999 of December 13th Law for the Protection of Personal Data (Act).
The treatment and management of the data shall meet the provisions of Royal Decree 994/1999 of June 11th , that approves the Regulations on security measures for automated files containing personal data. You authorize SEE-NERGY, SL for the use and processing of the personal information you provide, which will be used to provide information and promote our products and services exclusively. In any case, you are entitled to exercise rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, as determined by Law 15/1999 of 13 December.

In order to exercise the rights, you can write to SEE-NERGY, SL C / Mariano Barbacid, 5 1 7 28 521 Rivas Vaciamadrid - Madrid